Office Hours
Phone lines are open between 8:30AM and 12:00PM and between 1:30PM and 5:00PM, Monday through Friday. Every effort will be made to accommodate you on the same day if you need to be seen for an urgent medical problem.
Scheduling Appointments
Please call 802 295-6132 to schedule appointments.
When scheduling an appointment, please be clear and complete. If you have more than one problem that needs to be addressed, please inform the scheduler so that extra time may be allotted.
We make every effort to run on time. If you are on a tight schedule, please feel free to call us to check your doctor’s timeliness for that day.
If you cannot keep your appointment, please call to cancel so that we may see another patient during your time slot. We ask for cancellation with 24 hours notice, if possible. Cancellation with less than 24 hours notice will result in a cancellation fee of $20.00. Failure to show for your appointment will result in a fee of $50.00. Repeated no-show episodes will result in termination from the practice.
After Hours Care
A White River Family Practice doctor is on call at all times for after hours and weekend urgent and emergency medical needs. This service is intended to be used only for medical problems which cannot reasonably wait until normal business hours. Please call 802-295-6132 and dial “0” to be transferred to the answering service. If you do not hear back from the on-call doctor within 15 minutes, please call again.
Lab and X ray Results
It can take up to a week or more for laboratory and X ray results to come back to our office. For urgent medical issues, we will let you know of results as soon as we are able. For less urgent and normal results, we will make a plan with you in the office as to how we will follow up with you regarding results. This may be via phone, letter, e-mail or follow-up visit. If you have not heard from us within 7 days of having an X ray taken or lab work done, and another plan for follow-up is not in place, please call our office to inquire.
Prescription Refills
For patients taking ongoing medications, we need to see you at regular intervals in the office. Our goal is to provide you with a prescription at the time of your office visit that will last until we see you again. For patients needing refills, please call your pharmacy directly. The pharmacy will notify your physician that you need a refill. Do not expect refills to be completed in less than 48 to 72 hours. Seven days advance notice is required for all mail order prescriptions and medications requiring pre-authorization by your insurance company.
It is your responsibility to know the requirements of your insurance plan. If you need pre-authorization for a test or further medical care, please notify us BEFORE the test or visit. We cannot do retroactive referrals. Please provide us adequate time to process your request, especially if the specialist you are seeing is out of your plan’s network of preferred providers. We will process the referral, but it is up to YOU, not our office, to make sure that the care is approved.
Please bring your insurance card to every appointment at our office.
If you have a co-pay for your visits, please be prepared to pay it at the time of your visit. You will be assessed a $10 service charge if co-pay is not paid at time of service.
If you are being seen for a work-related injury, please let us know when scheduling your appointment and verify at time of check-in.
If you do not have medical insurance please speak with our billing department to make payment arrangements.
Medical Forms and Records
There is an administrative fee for completion of all forms such as those required by camp, school, day care, etc. This fee may be waived when the form is completed as part of an office visit.
There is a fee for copying any part of your medical records. This fee must be paid prior to receipt of your copies. Please allow 30 days for copying of records.
Records provided to another physician for a referral or consultation will be provided at no additional charge.
This website is provided for information only. It does not provide medical advice. If you suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 (if you are in the United States) or go to the nearest emergency room. No claims are made of accuracy and no responsibility will be taken by the author for events arising from the use of the information provided.
Should you go to the emergency room or call your doctor?

Ear infections, fevers and ankle sprains don’t often happen at convenient times, so knowing where to go for your medical care is important. Read More
Why do we ask you to bring in your medications every time we see you?

ou may see a variety of health care providers—specialists, optometrists, dentists, allergists, and others, or you may visit an Emergency Room and your medications may have changed. Read More