Traveling I-91 South

1. Take the US-5 Norwich/Hanover exit [EXIT 13] toward NORWICH/HANOVER, NH. 2. At end of exit ramp and light, travel straight across onto US-5. 3. Travel about 1 mile. Turn LEFT onto OLCOTT DR. 4. End at 331 Olcott Drive, at the end of the drive. Enter building upper level, first door on right.

Traveling I-91 North

1. Take the US-5 exit [EXIT 13] toward NORWICH/HANOVER, NH. 2. At end of ramp, turn LEFT at light. 3. Turn LEFT at next light onto US-5. 4. Travel about 1 mile. Turn LEFT onto OLCOTT DR. 5. End at 331 Olcott Drive, at the end of the drive. Enter building upper level, first door on right.

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map of showing the location of White River Family Practice